Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bicholim's Bordem, Mulgao perishes under Dempo mines

Bicholim's Mulgao village is under receiving end from Dempo mining.
The Bordem village's vegetation as well as vegetables are facing the battle of survival as more and more land is coming under mining activities.

Bordem's lush green mountains and scooped out this way...

Mining dumps has created huge new red mountains. They all get washed in the rivers of Goa every year during monsoons. The above picture is from Bordem.

Mining right on the top of the mountains. India's Ministry of mines has given 'Environmental Clearance' to clear the environment. No one can beat Goa's mining company's in their butchering actions in a way they are going about 'clearing the environment'.
This picture is inside the Dempo mines in Mulgao, Bicholim

All the vegetation is cleared and the remaining one too is facing grave threat. Perhaps as you see this picture from Mulgao several area of Goa's greenery is getting bulldozed under the several mining company's bulldozers and rippers. They have a commitment to rip and rape 68,000 hectares of Goa's land under 810 mining leases granted by colonial Portuguese regime plus several thousand hectares more land under mining leases granted after Goa's liberation. So mining companies are destined to have a enjoyable time drying entire Goa dry of its springs and wells, ponds and tributaries of various rivers. And why not? They have a power and influence, and they got to show it. What is the use if they do use it to wipe Goa off the Word Map. It is undoubtedly going to be greatest achievement of mining industry. And they will be rewarded by China, Japan, Europe for supplying them all the Goa's mud and Ore under it.
Long live Goa's mining industry! Long live its killer instincts! It has just killed two school students in Dabal, Sanguem under the mining truck and injured another on February 24, 2009. And we know it is only the beginning of the end to people of Goa, unless off corse people put their foot down on mining industry and impose Tadi Par on it! Mining industry threatened to impose this on people of Colamb few monts ago and continuesly using police to harrass them.
Bordem and Mulgao are very beautiful and green without mining. But tragedy is it has ore everywhere underneath Dempos are all out to get it. So it may as well be the time to say good bye to Bordem and Mulgao villages as they are being rapidly swallowed by Dempos.
Sebastian Rodrigues

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