Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sign online! Be part of great Rs. 500 crore defamation suit!

The Chief Minister,
Government of Goa

Wanton open-cast mining in Goa has devastated the countryside, destroyed forests and severely damaged valuable water resources. Entire villages have seen their crops destroyed by mine slurry and their land reduced to desert. Seby Rodrigues is an activist who has been in the forefront of the fight against irresponsible mining that pays no heed to the devastating consequences it unleashes on the environment and people. Because he spoke up against Formentos, a mining company owned by the Timblo family from Goa, they have chosen to try and silence him. They have sued him for 500 crore rupees (about 125,000 US dollars) for 'defamation' for what he has said on his blog. This suit has been brought by Sujay Gupta, Vice President (Communications), Timblos. The suit has been filed in Calcutta so that Seby will face further harassment and will have to travel up and down. We are appalled at this attempt to bully and silence a legitimate voice.
We stand with Seby against destructive mining and against all attempts to muffle legitimate voices in a democracy.
We stand with Seby in decrying the destruction of Goa's environment by mining companies like the Timblos, and urge minions like Sujay Gupta to sue us too...
The Undersigned

Please open the link above and lend us your voice,

Hartman de Souza

1 comment:

  1. good lord gracious this is pathetic tell u wat incase u want to start "inqualab" we r in
